Daily Astrology for Monday September 7, 2009

First some astrology, then a lot of gratitude.

Today, of course, Mercury stations retrograde. Eric has just published the single most awesome treatment of Merc retro you will ever see. You can purchase it on this site for less than you would spend on a cheap date. So for that reason (and the fact that anything i could add would be gilding the lily), i will only say this: what Eric said, buy it and read it.

Today also marks the mid-point of the Sun’s transit through Virgo, two weeks and two days until the Autumnal Equinox. Early this morning the Moon crosses the mid-point of Aries, energizing awareness of what transpired during the Full Moon at the beginning of the holiday weekend and bringing us fully into the energy of Virgo.

In 1825 in Great Britain (1832 in the United States) an astronomical treatise titled Urania’s Mirror was published. The author describes herself a “A Lady” but otherwise chose to remain anonymous. Here’s a selection of what she offered in association with the constellation Virgo: “This constellation, among the mythologists, was Astraea the goddess of Justice, who dwelt upon earth during the golden age, but was translated to heaven when men gave themselves up to wickedness.”.

Breaking up is hard to do. What degree of pain would it have taken for her to abandon the service that defined her, leaving the lush greens and blues of Earth behind for the cold sky. What amount of agony among the humans aware enough to feel so forsaken. Left behind to ascertain, define, determine and serve justice for ourselves, from scratch. Indeed, much of our written history can, in many ways be interpreted as a slow and clumsy attempt towards reunion with a lost but not forgotten ideal. That of finding the balance and ultimately the synthesis between our animal instincts and our heavenly aspirations.

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