Daily Astrology for Monday, September 14, 2009

Germination and Fruitions

“Men must endure Their going hence, even as their coming hither: Ripeness is all.”
— William Shakespeare

This is a big week in astrology, dominated by aspects of opposition and conjunction. It actually started last Friday morning when the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter back on December 1st of last year (watered and nourished by the Moon joining with them) ripened to their opposition on the axis of the February 6, 2008 solar eclipse.

We emerge into Monday as Venus continues her searchlight sweep across the triple conjunction in Aquarius with an opposition to Chiron.

The traditional characterization of an opposition as a “uh-oh, watch out!” hard aspect would seem to isolate the event. In so doing, prioritizing an invitation to fear, potentially creating conflict or indulging avoidance. This in turn can cheat us of enjoying all the moments of our journey.

Seeing oppositions as part of a cycle however, can lend greater appreciation of how the synchronicity of each phase fits together, accumulating into a deepening sense of gratitude and balance.

Fortunately, all schools of astrology seem to agree on a conjunction as being a seminal moment, a germination. It would seem constructive then to begin ascertaining the ripe fruit of an opposition by looking back to the conjunction it came from.

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