Second day of the Moon

By Len Wallick

“Joy is what happens when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are”
– Marianne Williamson

There was a Beltane a few years ago that felt like it lasted a month.  This year the most recent cross quarter (whatever you wish to call it) has felt similarly drawn out.  The veil was very thin for a very long time.  The mystery of death was continuously with us, impossible to ignore and seemingly infinite in its manifestations.  It has been a long dive into the trans-formative waters of Scorpio.  Many of us have almost become accustomed to the claustrophobic feel of metamorphosis, and it’s over a month to go before the Capricorn Solstice.

Even though The Big Square (first installment of the trilogy) was (and continues to be) a cardinal point phenomenon, it was, this time even more a Scorpionic moment, taking place as it did with Moon conjunct Venus, the Sun (squaring first Chiron, then Neptune in the Aquarius stellium), Ceres (squaring Nessus, also in Aquarius) and Mercury (anarectic) ALL in Scorpio.  The chrysalis was crowded, the waters cold and deep, the energy was transducing in a crystal lattice.

And then yesterday’s Scorpio New Moon brought an extra shade of darkness to the lengthening night.

What a difference a day makes. Slowly but perceptibly, Moon and Mercury are leading the way having passed through the lighter end of the tunnel into Sagittarius. Time to break surface, exhale and take in some fresh air. Time to stretch out of fixity and break down what we have been through so that we can integrate it. Time to manifest the dreams of transformation into practice.  Time to cook and render the cold and raw into the digestible and nourishing.  Time to blow on the coals.

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