The Nessus Conversation

By Len Wallick

“If we could first know where we are, and whither we are tending, we could then better judge what to do, and how to do it.” –Abraham Lincoln

This day started off with the waxing Moon ingress into Capricorn, conjoining Pluto and squaring Saturn in short order. This (along with The Big Square being in separation but still functional, because as soon as Saturn goes retrograde, it will be applying again) resonates with the weekend immediately past. But that was then, and this is now.

The Scorpio Sun is entering a period of being pretty much void as we roll into the weekend, which when over will have seen the ingress into Sagittarius — hopefully allowing us to dry out our socks (or warm up after having stayed up late to see the Leonid meteor shower).

Mars in Leo has pulled into an opposition with Nessus (in Aquarius) with Venus (in Scorpio) finally catching up to t-square the both of them. This will make interesting, meaningful conversations — as long as we keep them in I statements.

Topping things off, Pallas (in Libra) is perfecting its opposition to Eris (in Aries) with Chiron in sextile to one, trine other. Chiron and Eris are in a long sextile, with Jupiter and Neptune amplifying the contact. There is something here about the unruly mind (Eris) being able to come along with the crowd (all that Aquarius). The addition of Pallas says: you can be smart if you want to. But it’s optional (a trine). Oh, Pallas in Libra adds the element of politics, which has been through the roof this week, if you happen to watch television. Indeed, of a woman in politics. Who could that be?

So what does this have to do with Abraham Lincoln?

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