Maybe a little confusion is in order

By Len Wallick

Before Charles Darwin, the word and concept evolution existed with an entirely different context and set of meanings than the one we now assume it to have. It was used in mathematics to describe the extraction of roots, to give one example (and in geometry, it still has a place having to do with the properties of curvature). Its complement, involution, is rarely used in common speech.

Briefly, envolute expresses that which tends to come forth and involute that which tends inward. Today’s astrology has elements of both. Hence today’s theme: coming, going or something else.

During the course of this day, the Sun, now into the second into the second degree of Sagittarius, will conjoin two asteroids, first Bacchus, then Apophis. With the well-known Greek representation of wine and abandon beginning his day only to end with a meeting his dark Egyptian antithesis, nobody would blame the Sun if he did not know whether he was coming or going.

Ms. Moon, having spent a cold day and night sweeping the re-condensing Aquarius stellium, clocks into the office while feeling through the shift into the deep waters of Pisces.

Today, Mercury in Sagittarius conjoins the an inter galactic point called the Great Attractor, which is the largest, heaviest object known to science. Mercury simultaneously opposes the asteroid Aphrodite (the Greek alter-ego of Venus), looking forward to an applying sextile to Hermes (his own Greek alter ego), an applying conjunction to Icarus (don’t get too high) and, most applying (or is that appalling?) of all, the trine to Mars. Let’s all give Merc a mulligan along with a double Espresso and excuse all the Geminis and Virgos out there is they are having a bad hair day, what say? That, or the Great Attractor will make them greatly attractive even straight out of the gym.

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