By Len Wallick with Eric Francis
First a bit of song to be sung to the tune of “I’ll Be Home for Christmas”:
Retrograde for Christmas,
Mars and Mercury,
Shades of us,
In Aquarius,
And Aries Point history.
Murphy’s Law is ruling,
Cars and batteries,
But retrograde for Christmas,
May not be what it seems.
It’s Christmas Eve and thank you for reading. Given the pace of things lately, it’s a very good sign that you are alive and have a moment to take things in. Right off the top, the Sun conjoins Pluto in Capricorn today for the first time in two and a half centuries. The Sun is conjunct Pluto once a year, though this is the first winter solstice with Pluto in Capricorn (that would be summer solstice down under).
That’s a century before Dickens penned A Christmas Carol and at least 50 years before “The Night Before Christmas” was composed. Ben Franklin was risking not only pneumonia and electrocution but also hanging as he networked a bunch of young men who had nothing in common except that they stood to lose their hard-earned wealth to a crazy king. A lot of water under the bridge since then.
Also a lot coming back as Uranus builds to a big (temporary) exit in the sign of water running deep — Uranus is beginning its transition from Pisces to Aries, though in uranian style we’re a little ahead of ourselves here. That happens int he spring.
Also conjoining in Capricorn this day are Mercury (in ‘storm phase’, slowing down to a third of a degree a day, stationing on Saturday) and Rahu, the north lunar node (within spitting distance of next month’s partial solar eclipse — the nodes tell you approximately where and when the next set of eclipses is going to be). Also called the ascending node (because it’s the point where the Moon crosses to the north of the ecliptic) and the dragon’s head (a term of European origin, by the way) it carries a positive implication in Western astrology with overtones of Gemini.
This is not speculative. If you check the rulerships chart used by the great Elizabethan astrologers, a relic of the ancient days, the North Node is exalted in Gemini.