By Len Wallick
With the Sun, Pluto, retrograde Mercury and (most recently) Venus all in Capricorn, we are now fully immersed in the energy of that sign. Uncharacteristically, the Moon seems to be lagging a bit behind the trend.
Today, the waxing Gemini Moon covers the same ground as it did during the first Full Moon of the month back on December 2nd. In two days it will be full again, this time in in the sign Cancer for a lunar eclipse that will be visible across large portions of Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia.
In doing so it will pass through the opposition between the trans-Neptunian planet, Chaos (representing, in Eric’s words, “the fertile chaos of creation”) the centaur Pholus (“small cause, big effect”) and go on to oppose the Great Attractor (polarity too big to comprehend) crossing the Gemini-Sagittarius axis that presaged the eclipse cycle we are about to enter. In true Gemini form, this could well be concurrent with a great deal of discourse. The kind that characterized the energy that worked us from before Thanksgiving up to and including the Winter Solstice.
The etymology of the English word discourse traces back to the Latin discursus (or, alternatively, discurrere) which meant “to run about.” If this does not reflect your experience during last few weeks or so, you may very well be the fortunate exception.