By Len Wallick
Today begins with the Moon (in its second day of Libra), conjunct the dwarf planet Haumea at 17+ degrees Libra. Haumea is currently classified by the International Astronomical Union as a “plutoid,” part of a very exclusive club of dwarf planets that orbit our Sun beyond Neptune (the two others being Eris and Makemake). It was discovered by Cal Tech’s BMOC, Mike Brown, and his team two days after the 2004 Asian Tsunami, between Christmas and New Years. It was named after the Hawaiian goddess of fertility, who could literally birth a child out of any part of her body. She was second to none when it came to being fecund.
Combined with the Moon (the Goddess become luminary), we have a potent continuation of the yin energy that began the week. Fittingly enough, the planetary ruler of Libra is Venus and look see what’s 90 degrees away from the Moon-Haumea conjunction.
Why, it’s the applying (and very nearly exact) conjunction of the Sun and Venus in Capricorn. Yup, Venus has gone modest on us during her transit of Capricorn. So limited by the vibe she has gone behind the Sun to change her identity from the morning star she was last Summer, back to the Arwen-channeling evening star. From the consort of Jupiter last Spring to the discreet and mysterious elf of the twilight `ere the vernal balance is attained again. Nothing like a sip of Saturn to make a girl settle down.
Speaking of Saturn, today’s aspect of conjunctions briefly mirrors its own long square with Pluto in the same signs (though varying degrees) less than a week before the ringed one stations retrograde to close and tighten with that Cardinal tension once again. And so the cycle continues. Consistent with Haumea, like begets like. Consistent with the Moon, the smaller wheel turns the larger cycle. Consistent with Venus, the energy is received from the creative Sun and transformed. Water soaks into the ground until it can be saturated no more.
But there could be a sign, with the lengthening days that there is a spark of yang, dim like a distant star in the spinning firmament. Its progress not ordained, its potential not yet determined. For retreating Mars finds itself also at 17+ degrees, but in Leo. As such it finds itself in that responsive, reciprocal, supportive flow of directed communication with the conjunction in Libra. At the same time it is in that strange averse and mal-adjusted estrangement known as a quincunx as regards to the Sun and Venus, 150 degrees away in Capricorn.