By Len Wallick
“Sophisticated lady, everybody knows how she got her name”
-The Duke and Mitchell Parrish
It’s a special day folks. Venus, the Sun and the North Lunar Node are in a tight (to the degree) conjunction at 21 degrees Capricorn. Whoa, Whoa. Let’s back up a bit and take a look. Be patient now, if we want to put it all together we gotta cover some background.
After all, it’s sophisticated.
A little over a month ago Richard Tarnas attached a comment to Eric’s blog on the subject of fate versus free will. Among his cogent comments was the salient observation that astrology is Terra-centric. That’s not because astrologers believe that the Earth is the center of the solar system or the galaxy or the universe. It’s because that’s where we are, every one of us, directly above the center of our planet. It makes sense, therefore, to start with that.
From there, it makes sense to ascertain where those lights in the sky are in relation to us. That’s where astrology started. People observing the Sun, making note of it’s location when it came up in the morning, its path during the day and where it went down in the evening. Same for the Moon, planets and stars at night.
The data was recorded, talked about, passed on. Succeeding generations added to, tweaked and passed on it turn. After a while it became evident that there were cycles in the relationship of right here to out there. Those cycles found correspondence in other events (like the seasons), hence the accumulated knowledge became useful.