By Len Wallick
Today the Sun wraps up its eventful tenure in Capricorn with some auspicious aspects. There’s a square to the asteroid Siva in late Libra. Siva is named after the Hindu god Shiva, literally “the Auspicious One”, one of the three primary aspects of the divine. Brahma is the creator, Vishnu the preserver, and Shiva the transformer, or as Oppenheimer referred to him, the destroyer. Reminds one of cardinal, fixed and mutable qualities, respectively.
In addition Sol forms a quincunx (150 degree) aspect with the the centaur planets Elatus in late Leo and Cyllarus in late Gemini. Elatus was the one killed by the arrow loosed by Hercules, that went on to wound Chiron. Cyllarus was the handsome Romeo of the centaurs. Fatally wounded by a spear, his centaur wife (Hylonome) took her own life on the same spear rather than go on without him.
Taken together, these hard aspects of tension and aversion seem to indicate that the Sun is ready to get clear of destruction, tragedy and suffering as it ingresses Aquarius either very late tonight or early tomorrow, depending on where you are. Given that this transit is from a cardinal to a fixed sign, however, the implied intent may not be in phase with the ambient energy. The resolution of same may very well be a theme for the coming month.
Mercury is in the seventh degree of Capricorn. Its moving up to speed in forward motion and getting clear of it’s near-conjunction with Pluto. Moving for a third time over the same Capricorn topography, it’s also in the process of getting clear in other ways. First, what Eric referred to in his December 14th blog – “…the image of Mercury… in Capricorn: living tradition”. Second, as it reaches the point of retrograde station and the North lunar node early next month near the cross quarter, getting clear on where we (collectively and as individuals) are going.