By Len Wallick
“That flagon last night…has addled my poor head sadly” – Washington Irving
For those of you who remember, roll back to the grand fixed cross (with whipped total solar eclipse on top) back in August of 1999. Sun, Mercury, Venus, Ceres and the north node in Leo opposed by Uranus and just ingressed Neptune in Aquarius, squared by the opposition of Mars in Scorpio and Saturn in Taurus. In retrospect, Saturn was the anchor of this setup, but few saw it at the time. It did receive a lot of notice however. In a way it was the precursor to the 2012 alignment in that it put astrology “on the map” of awareness. Heck, even Rob Brezny abandoned his poetic parable style and addressed the aspect in direct terms.
In his October 28, 2009 blog, Eric characterized Saturn in Taurus as being about values. Indeed, it seemed that was a field of change. Those of us who had not signed on to the Y2k and other millennial hysteria could feel an opportunity. The communist bloc had abandoned ideology for business-like pragmatism. We had a president who seemed to be balancing the federal budget, who could apparently feel our pain and who made us feel like there was a chance that medical care could be made available and affordable for all.
Ah, but Neptune was new to Aquarius, the sign of the collective, right about where the Sun is today. We had not identified the synergy that would, by association eventually smarm the reputation of all Aquarians for the next decade.
The Saturn retrograded back into Aries, hitting a big reset button during which a sitting president was impeached and acquitted, draining the energy and forward motion from his administration. It was, in an unfortunate paraphrase of Justice Clarence Thomas, a high tech assassination. By the time Saturn found its way back in to Taurus, the value reading on the reset button was neocon (or should we say nerocon?) and a lot of folks just gave up. Most fell under the spell of Ronald Raygun’s return in sheep’s clothing. You may remember him, the guy who was President when America was attacked in the false flag incident. A few of us were groping around in the dark labyrinth looking for the lost string, hoping that sound was not what we thought it was.