By Len Wallick
It’s Monday. Take a breath, a long one. Take a minute to look away from the computer monitor at something far away, ideally through a window, then please come back.
Now that you have paused for some perspective in the body, please, let’s do the same with astrology. Pluto will transit Capricorn for a decade and a half. This is just the beginning. By the time Pluto makes ingress into Aquarius (in 2023) the world, for most of us still present, will be a very different place: a process made of many, many small changes and some very large ones.
Saturn in Libra lasts two years. As with Pluto, this we are at the beginning, though of a much shorter process: but one impressively tense and urgent. Saturn will square Pluto again soon, and again after that. Meanwhile it has two more oppositions with Uranus, once when this retrograde takes it back to Virgo and once when it returns to Libra.
Jupiter is direct in Pisces and will remain so until it joins Uranus in Aries this coming June. Shortly thereafter these four will dance into a t-square in three of the cardinal signs. Lose not sight of these things. Upon this framework will the ephemera of the year be woven.
This week has its own long view. It ends with the month on a Full Moon in Leo that will be conjunct (to the degree) with retrograde Mars. More on that as we approach it, but, once again, keep an eye on it. Something precipitates with this Full Moon; it’s like it falls out of the sky, out of nowhere.