By Len Wallick
Once again, let’s start with the big picture for the week which ends up with a Full Moon in Leo conjunct Mars followed by the second cardinal point square between Saturn and Pluto.
Remember, the Full Moon is an opposition (180 degrees of separation) between the Moon and Sun with us here on Earth in between. Oppositions in astrology carry the connotations of relationships. The attractions that bring us together. The perspective on ourselves that we get from interacting with another. The decisions we make balancing our own welfare with that of another. The ebb and flow, back and forth as we strive to find a balance through participation and negotiation.
Squares (90 degrees of separation) tend to force an issue. Ideally this will overcome complacency and stimulate action. If action is inhibited, however, the force can translate into stress.
Today’s astrology continues the build up to the seminal events at the end of the week. In doing so we are provided with a clue as to the character and resolution of a complex opposition and a powerful square.
One aspect applying today is the opposition of Venus (in Aquarius) and retrograde Mars in Leo. It will exact either very late tonight or very early tomorrow depending on where you are. This opposition will be separating but still functional at the end of the week, adding to the rich, deep complexity that this Full Moon will represent. Venus in the sign of the collective is a light but assertive presence. Opposed to Mars retreating in Leo, it holds the promise of compromise in relationships between the individual and groups. It encourages each one of us to (in the words of former Speaker of the House, Sam Rayburn) “go along to get along.”
The trick for each of us will be to see the distinction between legitimate issues of autonomy and arbitrary stubbornness. In turn, any group in question will be challenged to balance its standards of conduct to allow individual expression. The outcome will depend on how open the flow of communication will be. This aspect will flow into and become part of the more powerful aspects at the end of the week.