By Len Wallick
It’s Thursday, please pause and take a deep breath. Hold it just a bit. Let it out more slowly than you took it in. Slowly. The end of the week and the month are not so far away now.
Depending on where you are, the Leo Full Moon conjoined with retrograde Mars will take place in two days or less. Opposed to the Moon and Mars the Sun will be nearly conjoined with Venus in Aquarius. Stop and think about it. You don’t have to be an astrologer to know that Venus and the Moon imply a feminine energy. You can feel it when you see them in the sky. You have known it since you can remember. It is unmistakable. You know it in your body. Soon, they stand opposed with us in the middle.
When you stand under the Sun at mid-day and when you stare up at the steady red glow of Mars, you know without thinking that they are a masculine presence. An easy guess. Knowledge without thought. Soon, they stand apposed with us in the middle.
The male luminary, conjoined with the female planet. The female luminary conjoined with the male planet. Exchange, consort-ion, emergence, manifestation. With us in the middle. We can of course, readily shut it off, change the channel, opt out. We are superbly conditioned to distraction. This one time, try something else. Tomorrow and the day after take what you experience in the world and compare it to what you know in you body. Try, really try, to maintain that awareness and perspective for two days. See what happens.