Transmission — Mercury and Venus Mesh Up

Over the next handful of days, Venus and Mercury will be meshing with the outer solar system for a scenario reminiscent of gears in an auto transmission. Venus makes its applying Pisces conjunction with Neptune exact Friday.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Mercury will follow suit Monday in an Aries conjunction with Uranus while also precisely squaring both Jupiter in Cancer and Pluto at its Capricorn retrograde station.

Taken symbolically, the story conveyed is one of Mercury and Venus transmitting something from a distant origin to turn the wheels of your life going into next week.

Such a story would have the outer solar system (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and more) in the a role of prime mover, representing the source or sources of the motivational “something” in question. The inner solar system (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and our Moon) would in turn correlate with gears transmitting that “something” to you.

Given how the outer planets have in common the appearance of slow motion and long cycles, the prime mover inferred is history. Your personal history with lifelong patterns, and your subjective awareness of same, would be included through Jupiter (and Saturn in Scorpio as part of a grand water trine with Jupiter and Neptune).

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