By Len Wallick | More astrology by Eric at Cosmic Confidential Diary
Today, in most locations, the Sun slip-slides into Pisces. This last Tuesday we touched on the complex nature of Pisces in relation to the Venus-Jupiter conjunction. Sun in Pisces is, to quote The Wizard of Oz, a horse of a different color. In Pisces, the sun is not the ruler nor is it exalted. Neither is it in detriment, opposite sign from ruling sign, or fall, opposite the exalted sign. In other words, Sol just does not know what to make of Pisces. Rumor is the Sun has some company in that respect. Ambivalence rules.
When in Rome therefore, the Sun does as Pisces does, surrendering its dominant fire for a toga one minute, a tunic the next and a stola for festive occasions. The key to a Sun’s transit of Pisces seems to be the context of the aspects it makes between its ingress and the Vernal Equinox. This year’s journey therefore, will most likely be very different from last year’s or next.
Today finds supportive and sympathetic Venus and Jupiter already well ensconced in the final sign. This augurs well for a graceful beginning of the solar journey. At the beginning of March, however, the entrance of Mercury and the exit of Venus could make for some awkward moments before Spring. The main thing to remember is that Pisces may sometimes get old but it never gets boring. Especially the last seven years with Uranus behind the curtain.
The Moon is speeding up as it blazes ahead in Aries, heading for an “oh my goodness, so soon?” first quarter this coming Monday. Today it forms its monthly conjunction with Eris. This is always provocative, previously referred to here as “the fertile point of identity chaos”. This time around it forms a trine with another conjunction in Sagittarius, the big asteroid Ceres and Quaoar, a somewhat smaller object that crosses the orbit of Neptune.