Welcome to Monday. Here’s hoping you could avail yourself of the restorative Taurus Moon from late Friday through Sunday morning. Yesterday the Moon moved into Gemini, reaching the first quarter, setting the stage for today’s events.
It is an energetic day astrologically, especially for the luminaries the Sun and Moon and the personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars. So called because their apparent motion takes them around the zodiac many times in a typical human life. The respite hopefully absorbed this weekend will come in handy to meet the challenges presented.
Today’s dominant theme would seem to do with the conjunction of Mercury with the centaur planet, Nessus, in Aquarius. There is promise in this aspect, because Mercury can coincide with awareness. When taken in the context of concurrent aspects, it is a promise of redemption.
First, the Moon. Luna in Gemini is always an active time. The Moon involves emotions and moves quickly (over 13 degrees a day right now). Gemini involves the intellect and is impelled to move on. It would seem on the surface that the two would mix like oil and water but that need not be the case. The key is to take the time to be open to other people when they are expressing their feelings to you. Also, to be selective about who you open your own heart to. If we can have the patience to listen with compassion, our intellect can serve to complement another’s feelings and mutual assuagement can be found.