By Len Wallick
The Moon is a fast lady about now. Up to nearly 15 degrees a day, soaring back up towards the ecliptic. She starts off playing favorites by enabling (trine) Uranus and snubbing (quincunx) Neptune, who knows what sort of dues she is accumulating as she leaves them in her dust? Luna has bigger fish to fry, and we mean fry.
Porpoising out of the sign she rules before the end of the day to smack into Mars coming at her in the early second degree of Leo. Seems fast and loose, wet and hot. Can you keep up? Can you handle the ride, mister? Whoo whee, she is on a roll towards the Virgo Full Moon that will preside as February becomes March.
Meanwhile, the Sun is heading towards a another conjunction that will be concurrent with the Full Moon. This time the partner will be Jupiter. It has been said that March comes in either like a lion or a lamb (ending the opposite way). Unless Luna runs out of gas, your stalwart correspondent is leaning towards the leonine beginning. Caution could be advisable, however. Before the end of the end of today, Sol will form a square with the asteroid Hybris in Sagittarius.
Hybris is another way of saying Hubris, a rich literary tool of the ancient Greeks. The equivalent of pride before a fall. Basically it says if you get too angry, too arrogant, too confident, you will do something that will bring you back down to reality with a thud. Those consequences are referred to an Nemesis. The Sun is due to square the asteroid of that same name, just before the Pisces New Moon (on the Ides of March, yet) at about the same time Mars turns direct. So, that’s when we will find out if synchronicity is a beach or a bea-tch. Meantime, play it safe. Don’t go crusin’ if you can’t take the brusin’.