By Len Wallick
“From supermicroscopic no-bug / To huge Galaxy Lightyear Bowell / Illuminating the sky of one mind- / Poor! I wish I was free / of that slaving meat wheel / And safe in heaven dead” – Jack Kerouac
Jack must have written that on a Monday. Sounds like a Monday, doesn’t it? The sky agrees. Simultaneously unwinding from a full Full Moon weekend and starting a new month at the same time. Who could blame if we are weary? The Full Moon is always a climax of sorts, bringing things to a head, especially in our personal lives. The Chilean earthquake was very nearly concurrent. Many of us have had an experience sympathetic with that event, our own interior tremors or tsunamis. As such, please be gentle with those you come into contact with today as they regain balance and bearings. If that describes you, remember to take one thing at a time so as to avoid being overwhelmed.
As if in support the Pisces Sun is separating from the magnifying conjunction with Jupiter to sextile the centaur planet Asbolus, in Taurus. Among other things, sixty degrees of separation are similar to a scholarship or a grant. Possessed of evidence that an aptitude has been acknowledged, effort still needs to be directed and applied for results.
It’s been nearly two years since Asbolus has been explored in this space. It has been noted that it plays an important role in the natal charts of those characterized as survivors. With the larger luminary in support today we are each encouraged to find the survival quotient in ourselves and put it to work with the faith that we can and will prevail even if we get knocked off our feet every so often.
Virgo Moon is feeling the push-pull of a busy Monday as well. Starting the day with an inconjunct aspect to Eris, the post modern indicator of identity crisis, can be compared to waking up not knowing who or where you are. Opposing Venus soon thereafter is an opportunity to re-connect and integrate the polarities within, but it will require awareness of that state and a conscious effort to be whole. If that can be done, Luna’s ingress into Libra will be easier. That’s where the Moon will make its monthly conjunction with Saturn, still in retrograde until Memorial Day. That will be followed by a square to Pluto in Capricorn as the day draws to a close.