By Len Wallick
This is the time of year when perception can be misleading. The vernal equinox approaches as steadily as it always has, but it seems to be taking forever. On the other hand, events that reach our consciousness seem to be accelerating in number and increasing in amplitude. How can both be happening at the same time? Is that really what is happening? Given the recent weather in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, we know from experience that it’s possible to be stuck and spinning our wheels at the same time. We also know that getting out of that situation requires action but also deliberation. A review of today’s transits can give us some perspective, helping us to sort through and set priorities for appropriate and constructive response.
Mars is taking its sweet time, isn’t it? Step back, however and that’s not inconsistent. Mars takes about two years between retrogrades, long enough for the last one to fade from memory. Once it is in retrograde, the whole process takes the better part of a year, long enough for to take it for granted. As we enter the last week before station forward, it behooves us to overcome complacency while also being deliberate. Pause to emulate Mars and take a long look at the opportunity that is there.
The sea changes that seem to be coming over the world are in synchrony with the gradual assembly of outer planets towards the cardinal points of the zodiac. In context, Mars retrograde in Leo has been the chance to figure out what we want from the uncertain future that is implied. If we are clear as to our desires and values we can know an opportunity when we see it and it will not pass us by. Even in a time of crisis there is opportunity equal to the peril. The next seven or eight days gives us the chance to get clear in preparation for the next stage when Mars stations forward to complete its third leg in Leo. Your humble correspondent submits that the time from the March 10th station to May 17th emergence from echo phase will be best devoted to the question of how to achieve what we decided we want. The time we need is available. Each of us has the answer inside. Use the time to find it. Have faith that contemplation will be the appropriate action for now.