By Len Wallick
In spite of the long term outer plant aspects we have been striving to keep you conscious of (and there will be a written test), today belongs to the luminaries and Mercury.
Go back to Monday, ok just remember the blog. A planet is said to be in “fall” when it is a sign which is opposite the sign of its exaltation. A planet is in “detriment” when it is in a sign opposite the one it rules. Make-up-your-mind Mister Mercury rules two signs, Gemini and Virgo. Don’t know why but he does get around, so, porque no? The problem is that makes things complicated for the bumpkin astrologer who is walking the narrow path of integrity.
Mercury is in Pisces since Monday. Hence Mercury is either in detriment or fall. Either way, it’s not a strong placement. It mutes the expression and saps the identity of Mr Wing Foot. He hasn’t been himself lately and neither have a lot of Geminis and Virgos.
This morning that old, incorrigible Scorpio Moon finds itself in the unlikely role of hero, coming to the rescue of Mercury with a trine aspect (120 degrees of separation). Signs with the same element (earth, air, fire and water) form trines because four elements divides into twelve signs yielding a dividend of three. Trines are like winning a lottery – beneficial but too easy. Overall, just as likely to lead to overindulgence and excess as to uplifting and sustenance. It depends, as it always does, on the context and syntax of the aspect. In this case (Scorpio Moon trine Pisces Mercury), it’s all good. If only for half a day or less, there is this glorious, open, static free channel between unconscious emotional intuition and the conscious calculating intellect. It’s like Salvador Dali working you a non-linear differential equation and you were digging it. So, thank you Moon. You’re welcome Mercury.