By Len Wallick
Who’s to say when it started? One could just as well pick the day or the week before. Who’s to say where it started? One could find evidence for Peoria just as well as for Kathmandu. We certainly can say however, with whom it started. It started with us.
Just what has initiated, it’s hard to say, but its there for us to feel now. Of course there is the approaching vernal equinox. The days grow more equal to the nights. The temperatures become less extreme. Between the earth and the sky, a blue-green nascence in our minds. The harvest of a season passing. The co-creation of a new time, first in consciousness, then in exchange, finally in action.
As if to tell us so, the faster-moving, so called “personal” planets have led the way this week. This morning Mercury occupies the same spot the Sun did on Tuesday. In Pisces, it forms a sextile to the north lunar node in Capricorn. The future is talking to us but we must put in the effort of listening in order to hear it. Move on to Venus for a clue.