Eric Francis has an additional commentary on today’s Pisces New Moon.
By Len Wallick
“The not in our stars but in ourselves, that we are underlings.”
— Shakespeare
On this day in 44 BC, Julius Caesar met his end at the hands of his fellow patrician thugs in the Roman Senate. Thus was a perfectly good day’s reputation forever ruined. Perhaps only second to a Friday the 13th, the Ides of March has carried connotations of dread. It does not help that today is also a Monday when many of us in the United States had to get out of bed an hour earlier because of daylight savings time. A determination not to be underlings to fear, time or negative interpretations of astrology however, will allow us to see and to take advantage of the full promise of this moment unlike any other.
For today you see, is the New Moon at 25+ degrees Pisces at approximately 21:01 UTC (5:01 pm EDT). This is a longitudinal conjunction between the Moon and Sun. If were also a latitudinal conjunction (with the Moon in the lunar node) it would also be a solar eclipse; that is not for a few months. Because the Moon’s orbit around the Earth is not in the same plane as the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, most Sun-Moon conjunctions are not eclipses.
Conjunctions are interesting because every school of astrology seems to be in agreement as regards to the interpretation. They represent a new beginning, a seminal moment, a germination. As such, hope is implied for all except those who would seek to freeze the status quo or hold on to the past.
Every New Moon is different because the context in which it takes place is unique. In 2009, for example, the Pisces New Moon took place earlier in the sign on February 24th and was accompanied by very different planetary positions than are present today.