Unsubdued — Solar Taurus Again

The Sun enters tropical Taurus again just before Midnight EDT Saturday to affirm your life. It is no small thing. This time of year has always provoked those in more northern latitudes to declare it “finally” spring. First harvests are being made south of the equator as well. Nevertheless, affirmation of your life is now more vital than ever.

Astrology by Len Wallick

It’s vital for you to participate as vividly living now because the Sun’s ingress to Taurus has been met with human activity negating life in recent years.

It started on the Sun’s first day in Taurus 2010, also Chiron’s first day on the job in Pisces. We awoke on April 20, 2010, to find out about the Deepwater Horizon oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico, and arose every day thereafter unsure as to whether we were witnessing the beginning of a mass extinction event.

The beginning of solar Taurus the following year found us wondering the same sort of thing for a different reason. More than three years after an earthquake and tidal wave on March 11, 2011, set off an unprecedented nuclear disaster in Japan, we still don’t know the ultimate outcome for life on Earth.

Then, whatever encouragement your life could take from the “Arab Spring” of 2012 was dampened by how News Corp UK (formerly News International) was caught basically stealing souls, and then was dampened again by two of most frightful words ever spoken: Mitt Romney.

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