By Len Wallick
The cardinal point action that began with the Vernal Equinox this last Saturday continues this morning when the Moon makes its way into the sign of Cancer. The sign of its rulership. From there it goes on to form a loose but functional grand cross in the cardinal signs. First opposing the Ceres (newly in Capricorn) and soon thereafter, Pluto. At very nearly the same time Luna forms a square to Saturn in Libra and the Sun in Aries. Hence the first degrees of the cardinal signs are plucked again as they have been in a steady rhythm for four days now. This serves to encourage our awareness of rapidly progressing public events that relate to our lives. There is no avoiding or denying that the political is now continuously personal, not just once and a while. A new era is taking shape day by day.
The name Ceres is the Latin root for the English word cereal. Her astrological identity is hence linked to what is commonly referred to as the “staff of life” in western civilization, grain. She was called upon at a time of need. The Romans began to worship her as a deity over 2500 years ago when a drought threatened their nascent culture. She was revered by the plebeians. The poor but free citizens of the Roman Empire who made their meager living mostly as farmers. Her priests were women. Her cultural predecessor was the Greek deity Demeter, the mother of Persephone.
The myth of Persephone is an attempt to explain the procession of the seasons, a grand cycle of light and dark, warmth and cold that all of us are subject to regardless of where we live or how far separated we are from where our food comes from. Even if we do not all experience the same weather at the same time, the cycle of the seasons is one of the major things that connects all human beings as one with each other.