By Len Wallick
“Always be sure you are right, then go ahead.” – Attributed to David Crockett
Hesitated to use that quote for all the baggage it has acquired, but it sure does fit the astrology. It’s less than a week since the vernal equinox and already we have experienced a huge dose of cardinal sign energy, the imperative to do something, anything, to get the show on the road, the party started, etc. This with a special emphasis on the cachet of the first degree of a cardinal sign, sometimes called the Aries Point, that of the personal and political becoming indistinguishable from one another.
Cardinal activity is also associated with square aspects because these signs are 90 degrees apart. These are frequently experienced as internal tension which requires proactive resolution. Oppositions, 180 degrees of contact — [a right angle – oops editing error by eric! two right angles] — experienced as external binds, or points of confrontation, are also consistent with cardinal point ambiance. In other words, the idea of an opposition (or a square) and that of a cardinal sign are cousins. And this checks out historically — the aspects come from the relationships between the signs.
On top of all that, the whole solar system seems to be signifying its participation. The faster moving bodies are sometimes called personal planets because they go around the Sun (and hence the zodiac) many times in the average human life. These fast movers have lately been synchronous with an imperative to be impetuous, impatient and impertinent.
The slower moving planets symbolically remind us that any action taken, any decision made, any pattern started now could continue with consequences for a long, long time.
It’s a good time to be sure you are right before you go ahead.