Edge of the Hedge

If there’s a bustle in your hedgerow…”
— Page/Plant

Hesitated to quote that song because, for Pete’s sake, who’s not sick of it by now? Ironically, that’s precisely how the shoe fits. No matter where we are on this Earth, we have begun a new season. One would dare say, not a moment too soon for most of us. Hence the recent transits and aspects of the Sun and Moon.

With few (if any) exceptions, our individual lives are entering new seasons. Behold the recent transits and aspects of the “personal planets” — Mercury, Venus and Mars.

Finally (though many still deny or resist this) our cultures, our civilizations, our age, our very epoch are beginning a new season. Reference the grand dance of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto around towards the first degrees of Aries, Libra and Capricorn.

Can you see how everything seems to be happening at once? Can you see how what is happening in your personal life is so closely related to your awareness of and participation in the public and the political? It is because the cycles of the earthly seasons, the course of human life and the the long elliptical paths of the spheres are synchronizing, coming together, intersecting. This is not to be dismissed as symbolic. We are up to our noses in it. The only questions are whether we swim with the current or against it and (perhaps most important) do we pull each other down or keep one another afloat?

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