How You Think — Mercury Enters Taurus

Mercury enters tropical Taurus at 5:16 am EDT tomorrow indicating good news for you. It’s good news because versatile Mercury, among other things, represents how you think. Assuming you agree that how you think is subject to your control, a change of sign by Mercury implies that now is an auspicious time to change how you think in order to make a difference in the context of everything else.

Astrology by Len Wallick

If there’s anything to astrology, the context of everything else right now is huge. Because of Mercury’s timing tomorrow, it’s not so huge as to exclude you.

In fact, because planets changing signs are, along with eclipses and lunar cycles, among what J. Lee Lehman (in the February/March issue of The Mountain Astrologer) referred to as “the big three events of mundane astrology,” you’re not only not excluded. You and how you think are downright important at this juncture of history. Hence, what you think about how you think is important.

If you don’t do anything else this week, change what you think about how you think and you will have made a shift so big it will take years to fully appreciate what it means. Yet you can go even further by leveraging your awareness of the astrology now.   

You can proceed unimaginably further by simply examining how you think about what Eric calls “the defining aspect of our era”: Uranus moving through Aries to square Pluto’s crawl through Capricorn as a functionally continuous event for most of this decade.

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