Pay The Man (an immodest proposal)

By Len Wallick

In the United States, today is a ritual of dismal reckoning. Income tax day. The annual deadline to report our income to the federal government and submit to its economic scrutiny. American legal tender features the faces of dead presidents. It may as well be Caesar. The source of the money logically feels entitled to its return and will go to brutal lengths to enforce that prerogative.

More than voting, more than the census, today represents participation as a United States citizen in the truest, grittiest sense. Adjusting to the idea we never really owned a dime and never will. Honoring the rite of passage under duress. Crossing the threshold into a renewed cycle. Most will file the return and move on. Some will file requests for extension, choosing unfinished business over closure. Finally there are those who, for one reason or another, decline to participate. The main thing is, it all adds up. Your dollar, my dollar, her dollar, his. Pretty small, each by themselves. Together we add up to more than any one of us can grasp. It all comes down to one of us at a time and what we do.

Funny how the astrology this week has worked in parallel. The Sun and Moon ended an annual as well as a monthly cycle and started anew in Aries. Mars reclaims degrees owed in Leo. The yods with their ironic combination of complementary and adverse, energizing focus and forcing adjustment. The outer planets and the cardinal points reminding us that we individually, one way or another, are a part of collective events. Jupiter and Uranus approaching the Aries Point to cross for good. Saturn crossing a threshold only to return. Chiron about to do the same as Saturn. Neptune and Pluto approach their respective cusps only to retreat. It all adds up. But where does it lead to? How do we summarize what’s coming up?

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