How We Are

By Len Wallick

“The last phases (degrees of a sign) carry the possibility to purify the soul so that new life experience is possible, but first you may have to face those things which rise from the unconscious.” — Kirsti Melto, paraphrasing Raimo Nikula

Today is the last full day of the Sun in Aries. It is the last full day of Chiron in Aquarius (for this part of the transition cycle). Mercury stationed retrograde yesterday. Jupiter forms a semisextile, 30 degrees of contact, with Eris. The Moon moved into the sign of Cancer and will oppose Pluto in Capricorn today as well.

All or any of those could fairly be the subject of our blog today. They will be deferred in favor of what our own Barbara Koehler has called the “once in a lifetime scenario” of a very special yod with a very special placement.

The term yod is conferred by the shape of the aspect, that of a letter “Y”. The upper part of the letter “Y” represents two or more planets in a sextile aspect, 60 degrees separate. The participants in sextile work in harmony but the key word is work. Effort must accompany opportunity. It is like receiving a scholarship or a grant. Potential is rewarded but it must be made to happen.

The two sextiled points in a yod are each separated from the third point, the bottom of the letter “Y” by 150 degrees. This aspect, called a quincunx or inconjunct, is distinguished by the fact that the participants have nothing in common. They share neither element (earth, air, fire, water), nor mode (cardinal, fixed, mutable) nor receptivity (masculine/ feminine). Hence the planet at the bottom of the “Y” is in a position of estrangement from either side simultaneously. Adjusting to resolve the alienation at the apex is the imperative.

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