This Time Is Ours, Ours Is This Time

By Len Wallick

This particular Mercury retrograde seems to be taking shape nicely. There is the usual stuff. E-mails seem to be having a problem getting through with dispatch, if at all. Voice mail is answering the phone more often than not. Communication seems to take that extra effort and those additional clarifying words required.

This time however, there is that noticeable edge to it. Do you notice? Frustration finds less equanimity and considerably more anger. Judgment has become a comfort zone. Above all, impatience has become pandemic. It as though many of us are channeling a small mammal under the influence of a controlled stimulant. What’s up with that? Check it out. This particular retrograde, Mercury is not alone. Mars is in the house. It goes deep.

Fascinating how a collision can sneak up on you. Dig it, Mercury, retrograde in Taurus is applying to square Mars, direct in Leo. They are each moving at about the same speed in opposite directions and will exact the aspect this coming Sunday. Let’s break it down.

An astrological chart is a circle, or rather two concentric circles. Planets are distributed on the chart according to where they are from our perspective here on Earth. Between any two planets there is a geometric relationship, the number of degrees you need to go around the circle(s) to get from one to another. That relationship is called an aspect. Since everything is moving on the circle(s) the aspects are always approaching (otherwise known as applying) or moving away (separating) from what is often but not always a brief moment of numeric exactitude. The applying part is usually considered to be a form of building to a climax. The separation is usually considered an unwinding.

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