Participation With Creation

By Len Wallick

The big astrological news today is Saturn and Uranus exacting their next-to-last opposition, the last of four on the Pisces-Virgo axis. Two things to remember: first, because these two slow-moving outer planets have been in the process of opposing each other five times over two years, the aspect can properly be considered continuous; second, this is not happening in a vacuum.

In the long term this is just one of a series of outer planet aspects on or near the first degree of the cardinal signs, indicators of a long term, ongoing process of becoming one with. Also, for several years now the transits of the Sun, Moon, personal and minor planets have operated as if to bring each of us into conscious participation in that process, step by step. The personal and the political become inseparable. Today, two recent transits will continue that theme. Chiron’s recent ingress into Pisces and Venus moving into Gemini yesterday, the two of them forming an aspect of their own, a square.

Since today’s Saturn-Uranus opposition serves as a milestone of sorts, it may serve us well to look back and break it down a bit. For thousands of years, before science, technology and math extended our awareness, Saturn was the edge of our solar system and, hence, our consciousness. Saturn represents the established order — the framework within which social human life is conducted. This includes food, with its cooperative cultivation, harvest and distribution and permanent settlements and their governance. Saturn also governs the creation and use of money, archives, education, and the institutions and doctrines of civilizations. Any way of life without these things is far past the memory of most of humanity. We have become hard wired to Saturn, and never truly left it behind.

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