As Long As We Can See The Light

By Len Wallick

Any headaches to report out there? Thought so. Whether it be empathy with a newly offended and injured Gaia, overdoing Beltane celebrations, allergy season or the ongoing upheaval in our personal lives, pressure on our heads seems to be going around.

A good friend of mine recently had the hard-earned occasion to describe a t-shirt he owns. The graphic is two bewildered cartoon eyes on the black fabric. The text goes something like this: “I know that every time a door closes, another opens but these hallways really get to me!”.

It would be fair to say that a good many of us resemble that remark right now. As challenging as the experience is, it does seem to carry its own purpose. A purpose of perspective on consequences and the purpose of recognizing and appreciating opportunity in a form other than that to which we have become accustomed.

In synchronicity, as ever, the indifferent cycles in the sky function to bring us a detached perspective on this, our individual and collective time in the dark hallway.

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