Towards A Happy Landing — Taurus Solar Eclipse

The Taurus solar eclipse at 2:14 am EDT Tuesday closes the two-week cycle that opened with a Libra lunar eclipse on April 15. If you begin with the respective sign elements (air for Libra, earth for Taurus), it is reasonable and useful to interpret this particular eclipse cycle as you having taken wing at the beginning, and flying now in order to manage a happy landing next week.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In support of the air travel metaphor, first consider how the April 15 lunar eclipse represented a discernible starting point in reference to the landmarks represented by other eclipses.

During the Libra lunar eclipse last week, the Sun and Moon occupied precisely the same degree of exactly the same signs (albeit with places reversed) as during the Aries lunar eclipse of Oct. 18, 2013. That’s one landmark in your life.

Additionally, the phenomenon of two successive lunar eclipses, six months apart, differentiated only by the Sun and Moon having reversed places, last took place almost exactly 18 years ago. That’s another landmark (assuming you are sufficiently over 18 years of age to remember).

If you have located two landmarks, representing two angles in a triangle, the third and final angle represents your position. In other words, with a bit of memory and a little thought, you can arrive at a good understanding of where on the map of your life your current flight began last week.

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