Sextile De Mayo

By Len Wallick

The aspects and transits today promise some personal relief from the bad-boy stuff that has been prevalent lately. The Moon reaches an auspicious point of opportunity in the sign of the collective. The Sun makes a beneficial conjunction in the sign ruled by Venus. Mars finds some springtime solace with Venus while Jupiter works the room with a host of minor planets.

Today begins with the Aquarius Moon forming a square (90 degrees of separation) with the Taurus Sun. In a temporal sense, Luna is halfway between the Full and New. As such, today’s square represents the Moon’s last quarter. It is about 6 hours ahead of the Sun. It rises about midnight, it reaches the mid point of its journey at about dawn and sets in the West about Noon. It represents the second half of the second half of the monthly cycle from one solar conjunction to the next. A disquieting time for those who would grasp and hoard indiscriminately. It is an opportunity to release attachment. Conversely it is also a chance to focus, gather one’s reserves and finish in good form. There is a danger that gain can be squandered. However, it is just as likely victory and vindication can be attained. We are just past halfway, moving from the tangible to the transcendental.

Hours after the last lunar quarter is exacted, the Sun forms a conjunction with the centaur planet Asbolus. This takes place just past the mid-point of Taurus. Just past halfway between the Vernal Equinox and the Cancer Solstice. This is a significant and synchronous aspect, so let’s break it down a bit.

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