A Long Row to Hoe

By Len Wallick

In his weekly subscriber edition this last Friday, Eric described how the upcoming conjunction in Aries (self) of Jupiter (potential) and Uranus (actualizing) described the story and represented the condition of self-actualization in human beings individually and collectively. A concept championed by psychologist Abraham Maslow, it is at once an imperative, an objective and a process in the development and function of healthy people and healthy collectives. As such, there is a holistic feel to it, the groundwork for which is being laid by this year’s brief transit of Chiron into Pisces.

Yesterday’s transit of Mars out of the seventeen degrees of Leo to which it had been confined for seven months is another positive step. For the first time since last year, the worldly expression of will has been freed from from the inhibitory effects of a retrograde cycle. But we are not there yet. Reaching the Aries Point conjunction with all that it represents will be a process in itself. One day at a time. One step at a time. Confronting and overcoming inhibitory influences. Today is one of those steps. The focus is on the Sun’s position in the twenty-eighth degree of Taurus.

In astrology, the Sun is usually interpreted as representing the conscious self and its expression. It is the life force becoming self-aware. It is identity and identification with. In the concept of self-actualization it is the source of motivation to move beyond the basics of simply existing and instead, experiencing the potential of being fully human. That is, expressing our awareness and our relationship to ourselves through relationship with others doing the same thing.

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