Shake-Up Day

By Len Wallick

Had a difficult time getting a straight answer lately? Are things harder than they should be? Are they selling you up but never closing? Are you waiting for that one piece to fall into place? Is it down to the best you can do? Welcome to Anarectica. Where we deal with what comes up while we wait for things to come through.

The last few days have seen the Sun, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune queuing up in the last degrees of their respective signs. With just those six one could recently find every angular aspect commonly discussed in this space. The conjunction, the semi-sextile, the sextile, the square, the trine, the quincunx and the opposition. All within two degrees. All at the same time. Sounds pretty. In practice, the word cluster has come to mind.

Beginning this morning, that’s all gonna change. By this time tomorrow it will have changed a lot more. Blazing the trail, as it has since before the Vernal Equinox is the planet Venus. By the time you read this, the lesser benefic will have made good its ingress into the Cardinal sign of Cancer. In doing so it sets off that by now familiar phenomenon for Planet Waves readers, the personal and political as one.

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