Once In A Lifetime

By Len Wallick

“You may ask yourself: well…how did i get here?”
–Talking Heads

Last week was quite a workout. As the Sun approached the end of Taurus, it was in a square (90 degrees of separation) to Neptune in the 29th degree of Aquarius. As Venus approached the end of Gemini, it was first in a square first to retrograde Saturn in Virgo then to Uranus in the 30th degree of Pisces. The transit of both the major luminary and the minor benefic to different signs just before the weekend changed the scenery and substituted the antagonists but kept the plot.

For no sooner was Sol in Gemini that it formed a square to Chiron in Pisces last Friday. Venus in turn was surfing in the sign of Cancer but two days before feeling the undertow of an opposition to Ceres on Saturday followed by an opposition to Pluto late yesterday. Finally to top it all off, Jupiter (in Pisces) opposed Saturn (in Virgo) in clash of the titans late Saturday or early Sunday, depending on where you are.

By the time you read this the Venus-Pluto and Jupiter-Saturn oppositions will be separating but still functional to a degree.

And thus we find ourselves washed up on the beach of Monday morning, If we have had any sort of respite over the past few days, it has been in change. A change of the “what” in the “Now what?” but precious little opportunity for “Not now”. A different direction from which the wind is blowing but no relief from its relentless velocity. This slope is about to get steeper yet, at the end of the week.

The next few days give us the opportunity to gain perspective over the last few. It is from that perspective that we will gain our traction and the energy to apply it. If there is anything to synchronicity, the aspects and planets involved can give a clue what is going on within and without. Let’s start with the inside.

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