Ticket To Ride

By Len Wallick

This morning the Moon comes around and goes around to Scorpio. Shortly after the ingress it forms a sextile (60 degrees of separation) to Ceres in Capricorn and then Pluto.

It is the aspect with Pluto that holds the most fascination. At the time of the Luna-Pluto sextile both will be in 150 degrees of separation from the Sun in Gemini, thus forming the three’s company aspect known as the yod. Or should we say five’s company? For there are two minor planets precisely involved. But first, a preview of the big stuff coming up at the end of the week.

This coming Thursday night or Friday morning (depending on where you are), three meaningful events will take place in rapid succession. First the Full Moon at 6+ degree Sagittarius. Then, literally minutes later Uranus moves out of Pisces for the first time in seven years, rebooting the zodiac with a big-time ingress to Aries. Finally, literally hours later Mercury moves past 12 degrees 38 arc minutes Taurus, the place where it stationed retrograde back on April 18th. Thus ending its second echo phase.

One is tempted to write “that doesn’t happen every day” again. This brings to our attention that the recent astrological events reflect the times in which we live. The rare, the unlikely, the improbable, indeed even that deemed impossible is happening every day and you ain’t seen nothing yet.

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