New Years Day

Editor’s Note: We accidentally ran Len’s Thursday article on Wednesday (today). Now that it’s been up for a few hours we’re going to leave it here rather than recall it and run it again; and I will be back with the regularly scheduled audio blog in a few hours; and I plan to fill in for Len tomorrow. -efc

Editor’s Note Addendum: We originally posted this piece without fixing the references to when the Full Moon and other transits occur (since it’s being read a day earlier than planned), which is late Thursday into Friday. Please note those changes have been made. -Amanda

and we can break through,
though torn in two,
we can be one.

–Bono / U2

Long ago, at the age of five, I was allowed to stay up until midnight on New Year’s Eve for the first time. When the hour came, while dad was leaning over to kiss mom, I rushed from my seat in front of the television to look out the window. My father was watching. He knew what I was thinking. He gently and sadly informed me that nothing had changed.

Every New Year’s since, providing I’m awake at midnight, I have gone to the nearest window to look again. One such time an awareness came upon me that nothing was the same. It’s a strange paradox. Change is both gradual and all at once. Tomorrow’s aspects and transits are an opportunity bridge that chasm. To bring our consciousness into concurrence with events, above and below, in the spatial and the temporal, that are increasingly in synchrony with each other. A co-incidence that took a long time to achieve. A peek at what it means to be one with.

Late tomorrow or early Friday (depending on where you are) is a New Year’s of sorts. For the first time since my father was five, Uranus makes a transit into Aries. Just minutes before, at 23:07 UTC (7:07 pm on the east coast of the United States) the Sagittarius Full Moon exacts its opposition to the Gemini Sun. Just hours later, Mercury passes the degree where it stationed retrograde back on April 18th and breaks a little new ground of its own in Taurus.

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