Thinking of You

By Len Wallick

Wouldn’t you know it. While you were reading here two days ago about Neptune’s natal deja vu, it stationed retrograde. Isn’t it just like the Wet One to slip away under scrutiny. It won’t get off so easy this time. Today Mars in late Leo continues to apply in opposition (180 degrees of separation) to this long-term resident of Aquarius. This aspect will exact tomorrow (Friday) in most time zones. It will be another step in our gradual re-discovery of Neptune’s true identity signature. Watch here for further developments.

This morning, the Moon briefly conjoins with Neptune in late Aquarius as if to continue the process of revelation. Pay attention to what your intuition and emotions tell you in the first part of today, but don’t respond just yet. Build that file. Later on, Luna transits into Pisces where, late tomorrow it will form a square (90 degrees of separation) with the Gemini Sun. This aspect is another way of saying that the Moon is in its last quarter, halfway between the full and the new. Fittingly, it looks like a circle neatly cut in half.

Meanwhile, the Sun and Mercury as expression of our ego, identity and intellect are confronting some shadow material in the form of two of the most potent centaur planets. For many of us, contemplating the interminable magnitude of death and destruction in the Gulf of Mexico, shadow material is a constant companion. It is the continuing experience of experiences past. It is created by trauma. It is triggered by the perceived potential for more. It is not resolved by denial or suppression. It must be engaged with awareness and healed by integration.

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