Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life

By Len Wallick

Most of us have been told. Some of us understand. Few live it. Today is all we have. This moment is all there is. Be here now. Here now be. Now be here. Be now here. Now here be. What is in the past, even the immediate past, is done. What is in the future, even a few moments hence is but a speculation.

If ever there were a day to appreciate the now, it is this one with Jupiter conjunct Uranus in the first degree of Aries. Those of you who have been regular readers of Planet Waves are already briefed on some of the implications of this conjunction. Self actualization comes to pass. Our old paradigms are no longer able to contain our reality. We’re becoming aware of how we live and the consequences. There are auspicious gatherings and meetings. Indications are that the implicit will be come explicit, but that is for posterity to determine.

There is one thing however — clear, undeniable and empirical — about the now when Jupiter conjoins Uranus in Aries. Nobody reading this will see it again. Nor will our children. Nor will their children. The last time it happened was on July 15, 1927. The next time, well, your correspondent cannot say. Every ephemeris available does not show it happening again in this millennium. That’s right, between now and through the year 2999 Jupiter will conjoin Uranus many times (on average, once every 14 years) but not in Aries, not again.

Here, be now.

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