A Message from the Moon

By Len Wallick

The Moon is trying to tell us something. Last weekend when Jupiter made its historic transit across the Aries Point, Luna was right there, doing the same thing within the same hour. Today when Mercury makes an auspicious entry into Gemini, the sign it rules, the Moon will be less than two degrees behind. Next week when Venus links with Leo, same thing, the Moon holding her train.

Once a fluke. Twice a coincidence. Three times a pattern. Cycles and their patterns and how they synchronize, that’s what astrology is about. Hence our subject for today. Observations on what our closest celestial neighbor and constant companion may be whispering of current synchronicity.

We may do well to start with the basics of a sign transit. Planets major and minor, have their symbolic identities. Like human personalities, these are layered, multiple, hierarchical and dynamic. The older ones are more set in their ways, rooted in myth, familiar. The newer ones are in development, rooted in their discovery charts, on a path of individuation.

No planet is an island. Constantly in motion, the context of expression is subject to cyclical change. The syntax will shift. It all depends on where it is at, what direction it is moving and its angular relationship to other celestial bodies and points. Among the most fundamental considerations is the sign placement of the planet in question. Each sign also has its own character. Each sign also is associated with one of twelve houses and with a ruling planet. Any planet transiting a sign takes on some of the character of that sign, the associated house and the ruling planet. Its expression changes. In return, any body passing through brings its own cachet to the sign, house and dispositor. So a sign change is a big deal.

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