Our Place In The Sun

By Len Wallick

“Any experiment that shows results is a good experiment”
— Rudy Ballentine

Here’s some homework for the weekend. An easy and decidedly un-scientific experiment. It will give you a chance to learn something about astrology in your own body without having some dude (or dudette) you never met telling you what to think.

One of the cool things about a New Moon is what happens after Luna’s conjunction with the Sun. The lesser luminary moves on and it moves fast. It forms aspects (angles) to other planets along the way. Some of those aspects are with slower-moving planets that have hardly budged by the time the Sun moves in to occupy the same degree of the same sign where the Moon was just a few days before.

That gives us a constant, the slow moving planets, against which to compare the variables. We get a chance to compare with our intuitions and feelings the difference between the Sun and Moon. Isn’t that better than being told?

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