Reflection — Venus Enters Aries

Venus initiates four weeks favorable for reflection upon ingress to Aries at 9:21 pm EDT tomorrow. A period of reflection is not the customary way of anticipating a Venusian traversal of Aries. Nevertheless, given the exceptional astrology you have just been through, as reflected in the exceptional April you’ve lived through, it appears appropriate to make exceptions to many rules now.

Astrology by Len Wallick

Traditionally, a tenure of Venus through Aries is expected to be distinguished by self-involved predilections, prioritizing immediate gratification over what’s appropriate to the long run.

Traditional interpretations just don’t feel suitable now, however. It’s as if you may have somehow outgrown defaults and fall-backs recently, except as refuge from an emergent imperative of responding to the demands of living with unaccustomed improvisation. It’s no wonder.

It’s no wonder if you feel a difference now as compared to a few short weeks ago. In all probability you have recently experienced a period of rapid growth (with its attendant growing pains) after emerging from what can only be called a very special period.

The period we have just emerged from started on April 15 with Earth moving precisely between the light of an Aries Sun and a Libra Full Moon so as to precipitate a dramatic total lunar eclipse. It was the first of four such total eclipses in a row over the next two years, indicating a dramatic departure from customary patterns of the past.

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