From Here to Posterity

By Len Wallick

This last weekend featured what can fairly be described thus far as the aspect of the century: a partial lunar eclipse that was temporally current and spatially aligned with a grand cardinal cross. Hopefully you found some sort of reward in the time. If you are reading this you can at least say you survived to tell the tale.

After such a weekend it may be well advised to step back and look at the big astrological picture of where we are and what’s coming up. Contrary to what one might expect, there is no let-down. The ramping up continues in the form of what might be called two intersecting continuums. The shorter-lived aspects of today and this week inform the process.

We are now in the two-week period between this last weekend’s partial lunar eclipse and the total solar eclipse on July 11 in the sign of Cancer. We are also in the multi-year period of the cardinal t -square. Those are the two continuums and they compliment each other.

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