As Time Goes By

By Len Wallick

“Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, she walks into mine.”
– Humphrey Bogart – from the motion picture ‘Casablanca’

Yesterday’s blog set the theme. The daily, ephemeral aspects and transits are informing us as we proceed through the co-incidence of two continuous, long-term astrological phenomena.

One of the continuums is the current eclipse cycle. Eclipses tend to take place in pairs. One at the Full Moon, called a lunar eclipse, so called because Earth is in between, blocking the light of the Sun, turning the bright silver orb a dusky red. The other half of the pair takes place at the New Moon. It is the solar eclipse. This time Luna is the pickle in the middle. It will more or less block the Sun from our view. There are about two weeks in between. It can be said to be a space and time out of space-time. Events go in one side and come out in a very different form in a very different place on the other. Hence it can be said to be a continuum.

The other continuous phenomena is the years-long cardinal t-square. A dance of Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter crossing back and forth over the first degrees of the cardinal signs Capricorn, Libra and Aries, respectively.

The intersection of the two continuums was quite literal last weekend when the opposition of the Sun and Moon superimposed on the t-square, transforming it into a grand cardinal cross. Although the Moon has moved on, the Sun’s current placement means the grand cardinal cross is still functional even as you read this.

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