Sun+Moon Forever

By Len Wallick

Yesterday was the total solar eclipse. That closed the cycle that started with the partial lunar eclipse and concurrent grand cardinal cross on June 26. It also closed another cycle dating back to late 2009, and picked up on a 19 year cycle dating to 1992. Eclipses are potent events with many implications.

Today, we are on the other side of where we went in. We are in different territory than we were just two weeks ago, having crossed through a long stretch of time to get there. In order to get our bearings it is proposed that we start from the general and work through to what is specific for today.

Not so long ago the day after a total eclipse would have been an opportunity for a letdown. Not so anymore. What would once have been a peak, a highlight, is now integrated as yet another elevation in the angle of a continuous astrological ascent that gets steeper and steeper.

That is not to say that yesterday’s exact exact Sun-Moon conjunction is chopped liver. Unlike planetary conjunctions, an eclipse is not an ephemeral event. Rather, there is a quality of sustained influence at the degree of occurrence that persists for nearly two decades. It as if the Sun and Moon, as lovers, paused to carve their initials in the 20th degree of the sign of Cancer.

As would seem fitting, the primary objective of today’s blog is to follow up on the Sun and Moon as they move on from the degree of their conjunction. But first, a look at the big picture into which this most recent eclipse cycle has been assimilated.

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