A Middle Way — Mercury’s Ingress to Gemini

Mercury enters Gemini at 10:57 am EDT tomorrow. This particular ingress to one of the two signs ruled by Mercury (the other is Virgo) appears to favor a middle way when thinking and speaking. Part of what implies a middle way is how Mercury will cross the mid-point between Jupiter and Uranus while leaving Taurus behind and attaining Gemini during the course of the day tomorrow.

Astrology by Len Wallick

In addition, Mercury’s apparent motion has just started to slow down after recently exceeding a clip of two zodiac degrees per day.

Besides anticipating another Mercury retrograde (beginning at 3+ Cancer on June 7), deceleration advises a trend towards circumspection regarding versatile Mercury’s earthly corollaries — thinking and speaking among them.

Finally, there is the matter of what aspects Mercury will make immediately after having crossed into mutable air. The first such aspect — a conjunction with asteroid 10 Hygiea just across Gemini’s threshold — will be essentially concurrent with both Mercury and Hygiea having opened a square (separation of 90 zodiac degrees) from centaur object Nessus. Nessus is hovering just inside of Pisces.

All in all, it’s a busy day for Mercury tomorrow, probably indicating the same for you. Which is all the more reason to manage your mind and mouth well.

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