A Fine Trine for Our Time

By Len Wallick

Second day out of the eclipse wormhole. Our perception of and response to space and time has been subtly but definitively distorted by the alignments of the Sun and Moon with the Earth. We are in the process of getting re-oriented, whether we’re aware of it or not.

To reiterate, the axis of the signs / houses along which the eclipses took place (Cancer and Capricorn) implies that the subject matter is relationships, especially the emotional component. Once again, our best bet is to focus on what is going on with the luminaries. Today, however, the relationship between Venus and Pluto is just too timely and resonant to pass up. That relationship is an aspect called a trine. This one in particular is very special. Let’s break it down.

Each sign is identified in several ways, and one of the most important sources of identity is the associated element. The signs have a relationship to one of the four elements of ancient natural science in the western world: earth, air, fire and water. There are twelve signs. Twelve divided by four equals three. Three signs for each element, equally spaced, 120 degrees apart on the 360-degree circle known as the zodiac. That’s a trine, defined by a common element and degree of separation.

Two or more planets in different signs associated with the same element are by definition 120 degrees apart. That’s a trine aspect. Among the operative words for the relationship of planets in a trine aspect are ease, comfort, strong, pure, harmony, momentum and balance. All very positive stuff. What’s missing is a challenge. Trines imply the path of least resistance. Thus a trine does nothing to strengthen character. It is the silver spoon of aspects.

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